Though currently most bugs that allow this to work are fixed, if it did work it could leave Discord in a sticky situation. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. How to use our Invisible Text Generator Functions of our invisible symbol or character tool What is an invisible character An Invisible character, as the name suggests does not appear on the screen instead a blank space appears in its place. Because of the way certain things are built, it is possible to simply type in a message and have it crash or possibly brick the thing you are typing in. Headline web font loading causing a sudden layout shift. Although this would be a very cool feature, and useful in many ways, it might not be added because some messages could crash the places people copy and paste hidden messages to. Downloading and rendering web fonts can cause layout shifts if the flash of invisible text happens. Although what you are typing is not technically blank, that message does not convey real info in any way, even if you copy and paste it somewhere else. Reading The Invisible Text Home International Reading The Invisible Text Too much is being read in the Heroes Day Speech by Prabakaran when there has been no shift in the position of the LTTE. When you write ** ** or _ _ you are creating a blank message. There would still be a message, but it wouldn't be visible. Like if I wanted to write "Hello there, everyone!" but inside Discord that message would not be visible, and you had to put it somewhere else to actually read it. These invisible characters are used to represent empty spaces between words or lines without having to use a space bar.

This person is saying they want to write a message that is there but can only be seen if copy and pasted outside of Discord, for example, on a Google Doc. I don't think they quite get what you're saying, so I'm going to try my best to explain it to them. A lot of people are suggesting you should use ** ** or _ _.